What is General – Family Μedicine?
General-Family Medicine is a medical specialty that provides initial, continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated medical care for individuals, their families, and the community.
At Physiomed’s General-Family Medicine, we offer Primary Healthcare services. Primary Healthcare encompasses health promotion, disease prevention, health maintenance, patient counseling, and the diagnosis and treatment of chronic illnesses. This care is sometimes achieved through collaboration with other healthcare professionals, to whom the general practitioner may refer the patient.
General-Family Medicine:
- ● Integrates current biomedical, psychological, and social perceptions of health.
- ● Embodies personalized care involving a unique interaction and communication between the patient and the physician.
- ● Isn’t defined so much by the type of diseases it covers, but by a comprehensive and distinct approach to health matters compared to other medical specialties.
- ● Forms the foundation of any organized healthcare system, as it’s the only one that can play a coordinating role essential for the system’s functioning.
Which is the role of the General-Family Physician at Physiomed;
At Physiomed, the general-family physician is specially trained to provide Primary Healthcare to every individual and the community. The general-family physician:
- ● Acts as the personal doctor for each patient, primarily responsible for delivering comprehensive and continuous care, regardless of age, gender, or type of illness.
- ● Cares for individuals in the context of their family, community, and culture, always respecting the autonomy of their patients.
- ● Recognizes their professional responsibility towards the community they serve.
- ● Integrates physical, psychological, social, cultural, and existential factors in negotiating management plans with their patients, leveraging the knowledge and trust developed through repeated interactions.
The Role of the General-Family Physician at Physiomed:
Specifically, the general-family physician:
- Serves as the primary point of initial medical contact within the healthcare system, providing open and unrestricted access to all users. They address all health issues regardless of age, gender, or any other characteristic of the individual.
- Efficiently utilizes healthcare resources through coordinated care, collaborating with other healthcare professionals in primary care and managing collaboration with other medical specialties, acting as an advocate for the patient when necessary.
- Develops a unique person-centered approach, focusing on the individual, their family, and their community.
- Employs a distinctive process of counseling interviews to establish a personal relationship beyond time limits, using effective communication between the physician and the patient.
- Takes responsibility for delivering long-term care as determined by the patient’s needs.
- Implements a specialized decision-making process determined by the concepts of prevalence and the impact of diseases on the community.
- Manages both concurrent and chronic health issues of their patients.
- Addresses diseases that manifest in a non-specific manner in an early stage of their development and may require urgent intervention.
- Promotes health and well-being through appropriate and effective interventions.
- Holds a distinct responsibility for community health, addressing health issues in their physical, psychological, social, cultural, and existential dimensions.
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